Anuncio Launcher2 problem solved. After downloading the game file, a folder will be created on the desktop. After clicking on the exclusion section in Windows security settings, selecting the export folder, select the file you created on the desktop in the window that opens. After following these steps, extract the launcher .zip file you have downloaded into the desktop folder and Launcher 2 will run without any problems. https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Htgbb3uwONeWjnUrl8qBF4fywlH8CkX/view?fbclid=IwAR23Na9tf-FbuHqQ6WHu4vm-ahZEbFnRazxAx0CAYyEmPd6VLpHaUBFpnaI |
Update Launcher uptade server launcher has been changed. Please download the new launcher from the Site. |
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